With spring on the way, there is no better time to wipe, polish and de-grease. If you’re looking for some tips to clean grout, we have written this post to get your tiles gleaming again! Knowing how to look after your grout will maintain your flooring and keep ceramic tiles looking splendid for longer. What’s more, if you keep up to the job, it’ll take no time at all – here’s everything you need to know about grout cleaning.
Why does grout get dirty?
The purpose of grout is to create a water-tight seal and prevent any debris and liquid from getting behind tiles. Grout is a water-resistant matter, very porous in form and most types are generally made from cement. Surprisingly, one common cause of discoloured grout is dirty mop water from cleaning floor tiles. Grout has millions of small holes, and even when fully cured, dirt from water can make the sealing joints appear grubby. Maintaining your tiles with an effective grout cleaner will improve the overall appearance of your floors and room. Use our tips to learn more about effective grout cleaning to tackle any kind of stain.
The best way to clean tile grout
As mentioned, tile grout is absorbent and vulnerable to stains, although not to the degree it would allow water damage.
Sealing your grout will prevent the absorption of dirt, but first of all, it will require cleaning. Some people think vigorous scrubbing is the quickest way to do so, but this can actually destroy grout and scratch tiles. Instead, we’d recommend a grout cleaner for floors that will prevent the accumulation of stains but won’t harm your tiles in the process. Our PS87 PRO is an all-round cleaner for floors, removing dirt and de-greasing tiles. Additionally, FUGANET will clean in between joints – simply spray on directly and let it sit for ten seconds before rinsing with water.
Don’t forget a grout sealer spray!
When cleaning your tiles, for best results, use a grout cleaner first to prevent the spread of dirt. This way, you can simply wipe your surfaces clean before sealing grout lines by applying a grout sealer spray. FUGAPROOF is a water-based product that creates a barrier for grout and prevents any nasty stains from being absorbed. Not only that, but it’s also VOC free and environmentally-friendly meaning you can enjoy a guilt-free deep clean at home.
How often does grout need cleaning?
Once your tiles and grout are clean, you’ll want to keep them this way, and so a regular cleaning schedule is essential. That doesn’t mean you have to go to town with your tiles; however, every three days, a simple wipe of surface dirt will do the trick. We’d also recommend a deep clean with detergents every fortnight to keep tiles and grout in perfect condition. And remember, rooms subject to constant humidity and water should be cleaned once a week like in a bathroom where bacteria builds up.
DIY vs hiring a pro
With the coronavirus pandemic seeing us stay at home more, it’s never been so important to get moving indoors. If you’re looking to get your steps in, try tackling housework – just 30 minutes a day is said to improve heart health. Although a professional tile cleaner may save you time, the task in hand can actually enhance your mood. With a variety of FILA grout cleaning products also at your disposal, your home will be sparkling, no elbow grease needed.
How to make a tile maintenance kit
Most grout cleaning tools are fairly inexpensive, and many can also be found in the home. For instance, an old toothbrush is just as efficient as an off the shelf grout brush and if you have an electric model, even better. Steamers are also handy for brightening up tiles, simply apply steam before wiping away the residue with a microfibre cloth. Don’t forget, to keep your tiles tip-top; no kit is complete without FUGAPROOF, FUGANET and PS87 PRO!
Thank you for reading our post and take it from us, you don’t want to be breathing in all sorts of nasties. Instead, why not tackle tough stains for a healthier environment at home? Trust FILA and our highly-rated grout cleaner for floor tiles. Thanks again.